Refresh Your Spring Beauty Routine with Prickly Pear Seed Oil

With the official start of Spring just a few days away, it’s that time of year to refresh our routines. Our homes, closets, and junk drawers get a long overdue spring cleaning, our winter wardrobes are carefully tucked in storage, and our beauty routines get a much-needed refresh.

If you didn’t know, your skincare routine should actually change according to the season. Your skin needs something totally different in the winter than it does the spring or summer. Although it may seem like too much work to switch up your beauty products, your complexion will absolutely thank you throughout the season.

Protect your skin and work to proactively counter the negative effects of the harsh summer heat while you have the chance. If you’ve been using the same products for years it can be difficult to know where to start. These eight helpful tips are guaranteed to get you excited about changing up your skincare routine.

Eight Tips for Your Spring Skincare Routine 

1. Replace your thick moisturizer with a light, breathable one 

During the colder, winter months a thick moisturizer is going to be your best friend. It works to hydrate and protect the outer barrier of your skin from becoming too tired and dried out. However, during the summer our skin is able to retain a good bit of moisture due to the increased amount of humidity in the air.

Because of the moisture in the air during the warmer months, a thick moisturizer is only going to weigh your skin down and take away from its natural glow. Find a lightweight moisturizer that still suits your skin’s needs but also allows your skin to breathe. 

2. Find a sunscreen that works with your skin

We all know the dangers of extended sun exposure without the proper protection on our skin. If you don’t already have a sunblock lotion for your face, now is the time to find one that works with your skin.
You’ll want to look for a non-condegemic sunscreen so it won’t block your pores and cause additional issues. You may also be able to find a makeup base (like a BB or CC cream) that contains SPF.

SPF 30 is the recommended level for your face to protect it on a daily basis. 

3. Add a natural beauty oil like prickly pear seed oil

The holy grail of the natural skincare world, prickly pear seed oil is the ideal skin care product for the warmer months. It’s a lightweight, non-condegemic beauty oil that works hard to prevent wrinkles, discoloration, hydrate the skin, and reduce under eye circles.

Learn more about the proven benefits of prickly pear seed oil here and shop a 100% pure and organic oil here.

4. Use a jade roller

Although jade rollers are a trending item in the skincare world right now, their benefits are vast and are the perfect tool to reduce puffiness and redness that often comes after long days in the hot sun. Keep your jade roller in the refrigerator or freezer overnight to keep it extra cold and extra beneficial for your skin.


5. Replace foundation with a tinted moisturizer

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re wearing heavy makeup during the spring and summer. Keep your makeup fresh and your skin natural with a quality tinted moisturizer. You’ll retain the benefits of a foundation-like coverage but allow your skin to breathe and glow. 

And since we’re all trying to achieve that coveted dewy, glowing complexion during the warmer months, a tinted moisturizer is the perfect base layer for dewy perfection without drying your skin out.

6. Find a gentle cleanser like a micellar water

Since you’re focusing on improving the texture and clarity of your skin during the spring and summer, you might find this is the perfect time to experiment with a few different types of daily cleansers.

Micellar water is known for being gentle yet effective and a light foaming wash may just be what your skin needs to breathe. Many studies have actually shown that we tend to overwash our faces. Try going without makeup for a week and washing your face only at night to help build back up the natural oils on the outer layer of your skin.

This may help balance your skin and even out your overall complexion.

7. Exfoliate once a week

If you don’t consistently exfoliate your skin, this spring skincare refresh may be the perfect time for you to add this important step. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells as well as dirt and oil build-up in your pores. If you’re concerned about over stimulating or causing irritation on your skin, choose a fine grain exfoliator like a sugar scrub to gently remove build-up and other impurities.

Follow your exfoliation up with a self-facial massage to drain your lymph nodes and a swipe of prickly pear oil to finish out a luxurious spring skin routine.

8. Drink more water

From a health perspective, water is essentially a source of life. From a beauty perspective, many of the top skincare concerns could be cleared up if we learned to drink enough water throughout the day. 

As a rule, the warm spring and summer sun tends to dehydrate us even more so the need for water is extremely important. Health professionals suggest drinking between half and all of your body weight in ounces of water.

Find a water bottle that holds all or at least half of your recommended water consumption for the day to keep on track.

From the warm spring sun to the extra humidity in the air, the change of seasons is a good excuse to trade out those thick winter products for light and beneficial ones that will protect and improve your skin.

Find one of the highest quality prickly pear seed oils on the market in the Sunia K Cosmetics shop and add it to your spring and summer skincare routine.

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