Prickly Pear Seed Oil With Other Medications and Skincare Routines

Prickly Pear Seed Oil for Skincare

Believe it or not, cacti are making their way into our skincare routine. Yes, this may seem contradictory, considering the sharp needle-like surface cacti give off; but inside can hold wonders for our body and skin. In particular, prickly pear seed oil is a recent skincare trend that is taking everyone by storm. Countless vitamins are found this cold-pressed cactus oil. Did you know prickly pear seed oil actually has 150% more vitamin E than a similar substance, argan oil?

Long story short, this natural miracle serum is chock-full of antioxidants that fight free radicals and ultimately enhance skin renewal—warding off wrinkles while lightening up those under eye circles. Thankfully, the high amount of fatty acids found in the oil absorb into your skin seamlessly, without leaving a greasy residue. These fatty acids enhance the collagen in your skin and ultimately tighten your pores.

But what about prickly pear seed oil for acne? Good news—it’s non-comedogenic, which means it does not clog pores or give way to breakouts. This is a concern for many who do not want to put “oil” on their skin, since oil can cause issues down the line we’d rather not think about. Luckily, prickly pear seed oil works for all different skin types—including mature, dry or sensitive. Finally, this incredible oil even includes antiviral and anti-inflammatory components, which means it can help heal burns, cuts and even wounds.

At the end of the day, it’s clear that prickly pear seed oil is a saving grace for your skin in lieu of other harmful chemicals and compounds. But what about how it reacts with other medications and skincare routines? More than likely, you are using prickly pear seed oil in conjunction with other skincare necessities, which may cause some questions about its usage or possible interactions.

Let’s delve into the topic of prickly pear seed oil and its possible interactions in an attempt to shed some light on how you approach it on a day-to-day basis with everyone else.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil & Medications

It’s important to remember we aren’t medical doctors, so if you are concerned about prickly pear seed oil and current medications you are on, you will need to consult a physician.

Many might ingest prickly pear seed oil to treat diabetes, as the prickly pear cactus is known to lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol by decreasing the absorption of sugar and cholesterol in the stomach and intestine. The following diabetes-related drugs have been known to cause a moderate interaction: Chlorpropamide, Glyburide and Metformin. Sometimes you can run the risk of your blood sugar levels dropping too low when using prickly pear and these prescribed medications. Keep this in mind and of course always talk to your doctor about how much you’re taking and when.

Prickly pear has a lot of health benefits and it’s important they aren’t overshadowed with other medications you’re taking!

Prickly Pear Seed Oil & Your Skincare Routine

Many people may not be accustomed to the world of “all-natural beauty oils” and they may ask: How can I best use prickly pear seed oil for eczema and general maintenance? Incorporating this into your daily regimen is easy, but there are bound to be some viable questions along the way.

For example, do you apply before or after your moisturizer? (Especially since most of us would be hard-pressed to give up our favorite moisturizer!) Argan oil is known to be more lightweight, which is often compared to prickly pear seed oil, which is a bit heavier, meaning it takes longer to absorb. Hence, prickly pear is best applied after your moisturizer to help lock in hydration and those countless benefits.

Of course, if you don’t like how prickly pear seed oil feels directly on your skin, you can mix it in with your moisturizer for an all-in-one application. Keep in mind, though, this will take longer to dry. Similarly, some like mixing prickly pear in with their foundation, as it can provide a more natural application and adhere to the skin smoothly. Regardless, you have to determine your own preferences when it comes to how you apply it in relationship to your other products. Thankfully, it’s nice to know you’ve got options!

But what about how much you use? Is it typical to go through an entire container within a week or do you just go a few droplets at a time? Good news—it’s the latter, not the former. A little goes a long way when it comes to prickly pear seed oil, so using just a few drops to cover your entire face is what most people expect. Additionally, it’s important to “dab” or “pat” prickly pear into your skin rather than just sliding them around the surface. Again, this helps your face to absorb it more and you can attain the benefits much quicker.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil for Skincare: The Takeaway

At the end of the day, you don’t want to forgo treatments and moisturizers that work well for your skin over the years, so finding the right balance of an already successful regimen with prickly pear seed oil can take some time. Remember, too, if you are using acne-specific creams like retinols, you may want to alternate with prickly pear to avoid redness. Thankfully, prickly pear seed oil is an ultimate moisturizer, providing nourishment to your skin so it can feel and look its very best.

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