A Natural and Effective Eczema Remedy

If you’ve ever struggled with eczema you know the discomfort it brings. Also known as dermatitis, the exact cause of eczema is unknown but often linked to a severe overreaction of the immune system. In most cases it’s labeled as an allergy and once the symptoms appear, many battle with them the rest of their lives.

Characterized by dry, itchy skin – particularly on the face, elbows, knees, and hands – it’s easy to let it control your life and affect your day-to-day routine. Because the exact cause is unknown, dermatologists are often unable to prescribe an effective treatment plan to heal the skin totally. Common doctor-prescribed treatments include medication, light treatment, diet changes, and a good skincare routine.

And while these treatments may be effective to a certain extent, those suffering from eczema often look for at-home, natural remedies for the condition to lessen the day-to-day pain. It’s long been known that botanical-based oils and creams have powerful properties that, when applied religiously, are extremely effective in targeting the skin’s ailments.

Traditionally, natural beauty oil such as argan and coconut have been used to treat the skin of the effects of eczema, but recently a powerful natural oil has taken the skincare world by storm.

Prickly pear seed oil (also known as Barbary Fig Seed Oil or Cactus Seed Oil) is extracted from a variation of the cactus plant and packs a mighty punch against skin ailments.

 With high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids, prickly pear seed oil is the perfect product to integrate into your eczema-fighting skincare routine. 

Fight Eczema with Prickly Pear Seed Oil

In every drop of prickly pear seed oil, multiple soothing and healing properties exist. These natural properties, vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants, all work in tandem to create a healing, moisturizing, and ultimately non-condegemic oil that’s ideal for those suffering from eczema or other skin irritants.

Vitamin E & K

Move over argan oil, there’s another vitamin E powerhouse in town. Traditionally, vitamin E and argan oil have been synonymous but with the renewed interested in prickly pear seed oil, it’s been noted that prickly pear oil contains 150% more vitamin E than argan.

The compounds in Vitamin E are first and foremost used to moisturize the skin in the most natural and non-irritating way possible. Dry skin leads to itching and constant itching leads to scarred skin and other conditions. Deeply hydrating, prickly pear seed oil quickly absorbs into the skin without leaving behind a greasy residue. If you suffer from eczema, keep a bottle of pure and organic prickly pear seed oil at your desk, around your house, even in your car to apply when your dry skin threatens to ruin your day. You’ll be able to apply and immediately carry on with your life.

Although much less researched, vitamin K is also a beneficial addition to your skincare regime. Its main effects are tightening and brightening the skin and when it comes to eczema, the added benefit of vitamin K in prickly pear oil means you’re not just hydrating your skin but also stimulating blood flow to reduce permanent scarring.

Fatty Acids

Studies have shown that a lack of fatty acids for the skin can be a contributing factor to aggravated eczema. If you’re not getting good fats in your food on a daily basis, your body may react with outbreaks of eczema or other skin conditions. 

Prickly pear seed oil contains these vital fatty acids which help reduce inflammation and irritation on the skin. Use it topically to stimulate the skin cells closest to your affected areas and be at ease knowing your skin cells are being rejuvenated with the powerful, natural oil.

How to Use Prickly Pear Oil in Your Skincare Routine

Although it may seem unnatural to use an oil in your daily skincare routine - after all most people want their skin to be less oily - prickly pear seed oil integrates seamlessly into your skincare system.

For best results, try these simple and effective tips.

  1. Use a gentle and natural cleanser to keep your skin clean. Eczema makes your skin extremely fragile and since you’re trying to clear it up and keep it from spreading, you’re going to want to go gentle on your skin.

    Typically, most people are gentle on their facial skin, but if you’re suffering from body eczema, make sure to use a gentle brand of body wash that’s free from chemicals and scents.

  2. A drop or two of 100% pure and organic prickly pear oil in both the morning and the evening will infuse your skin with all the moisture you will need. While many don’t prefer to use a moisturizer in the morning, remember that prickly pear oil absorbs into your skin upon contact and never leaves behind a residue. So you can feel good knowing the oil won’t stain or ruin your clothing after application.

    Just a drop or two of prickly pear oil will be enough for your affected areas, but if your target areas are outside your facial skin, do your skin a favor and apply it right after you’ve cleansed your face for additional, amazing benefits.

  3. Remember to take moderate temperature showers and put as much moisture in the air as possible. Our skin reacts to its environment and hot showers or dry rooms can cause eczema to flare up, especially during the winter months. 

While eczema is a tough condition to deal with due to its unpredictability, natural remedies like prickly pear oil will allow you to live a normal life without much thought to your skin.

Pick up a bottle of the highest quality prickly pear seed oil on the market from Sunia K. Cosmetiques and see the difference just a drop or two makes.

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